Cultural outreach

When dialogue is key

The Abbaye aux Dames is the musical centre (cité musicale) of Saintes; an open centre that reaches out to those who do not have direct access to culture. The Festival de Saintes, the Jeune Orchestre de l’Abbaye (JOA), Musicaventure, artists’ residences and a unique architectural heritage give substance to our initiatives.

Experience different facets of culture

Inside and outside the abbey, you can experience music, heritage and history in unique settings and formats. Alive, tangible and inclusive, these formats introduce very different audiences to culture (children and teens, local residents, residents of retirement homes, prisoners from correctional facilities, villagers, hospital patients…).

A vast rally

It is in that spirit that the Abbaye aux Dames energetically rallies artists, culture newbies and actors from the tourist, heritage, cultural and social sectors…

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